Preparing Your Small Business's Exteriors For Winter

Posted on: 5 November 2015

When fall is in full swing and winter is swiftly approaching, your thoughts as a small business owner shift to making sure that your building and the outdoor areas of your business are ready for the cold and snowy season to come. If this is your first year running a small business, you may not know where to begin in the preparations process. Get to know some of the steps that you should take to make your small business ready for the winter months to come and you will be able to start your readiness procedures sooner rather than later. [Read More]

New Homeowner's Maintenance Guide: Sealing Your Concrete Steps

Posted on: 2 November 2015

One of the big differences you face as you move from an apartment into a new home is that you are responsible of the daily upkeep and maintenance for your new home. Now it is your job to make sure the property is prepared for winter, and one way you can do that is to seal your concrete steps. Unsealed steps can allow water from melting snow and rain to penetrate the pores in the concrete during a thaw cycle. [Read More]

Concrete Maintenance 101: Tips For Removing 4 Common Stains

Posted on: 29 October 2015

Concrete is a fairly durable and affordable material, which makes it popular in home garages. However, it's also becoming increasingly popular inside homes. If you have concrete inside—or outside—of your home and it has become discolored due to stains, have no fear. You can easily remove most stains from your concrete. Here are some helpful tips for removing the four most common types of concrete stains: 1. Gasoline and Oil [Read More]

Back Pain: How To Break Up Your Damaged Concrete Walkway Safely

Posted on: 12 October 2015

If you plan to remove and replace your damaged concrete walkway yourself but suffer from back pain, you want to do so in the safest way possible. Concrete breaking is a tough job that requires handling large tools, such as a sledgehammer. If you use the hammer incorrectly, you can injure your back. Using a lightweight sledgehammer is a good way to break apart your walkway without straining your back. Here's why. [Read More]